Free Yourself From Consumerism

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Consumerism has found its way into every aspect of our lives. Our churches, homes and jobs all reflect a mindset of consumerism. It is causing many people to go further into debt. If you want to know whether a person has succumb to consumerism ask to see their checkbook.

Proverbs 21:20

Wise people store up the best food and olive oil. But foolish people eat up everything they have

Additionally, consumerism is an ideology that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in increasing amounts. The real definition is high consumption of goods and money. This ideology is selfish in nature and promotes materialism.

When we see the wealthy and the people we idle drive cars, own huge homes we want to emulate them so we begin to spend money on the things they buy. Those of us who are not wealthy want to imitate the wealthy.

AD Exposure

Moreover, we are bombarded by advertisements on a daily basis and we are buying in to what the advertiser are selling.

-The average teenager views about 3000 ads daily

-We have viewed over 1 million commercials before the age of 21

-Companies have spent over 180 billion on advertising

The Snare

We all know how a snare works. The hunter covers the trap with brush and uses bait to lure the animal. Just when the animal thinks he has a meal, the trap has him.

Similarly that is how commercials and advertisements work. They bait you in with their persuasive advertisements. Companies want you to spend all your money on their products so they can make a profit. They do not care whether you go into debt for their product.

Today’s verse reminds us that we should not spend up everything we have. An inordinate desire to spend everything leads to destruction and debt. Does that sound like a route you want to take?

Do you want to free yourself from the snare of consumerism? Go to God and say you are going to be number one with me. I am going to arrange my finances according to your scale. I will be a steward of your finances and give you my best.

Let’s be like the wise and not spend everything we have.

If you are looking to change your mindset on finances go to my blog homepage and click the link to purchase my book.

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